Opening Soon: TeaHouse

Opening Soon: TeaHouse

Hello, and happy new year!  

First and foremost, I miss being able to write to you! I personally have been all over the place. moving to a new office, setting up shop, it's crazy! Needless to say, one of our close contacts even tested positive for COVID towards the end of the year! What a roller coaster!

However, it is with great joy that i'm updating you on how TeaHouse, the new home of Jacob's Well Chai is coming along and it's been very good. I'm so excited to share this space with all of you.

On the other hand, we might be able to offer a curbside pick-up once it's up. There will also be physical display of the merch and things I (ralph) treasure and enjoy. 

When things start to relax and get better, i'm hoping to see you there and hang out with you.



P.S. We could bike around New Manila and Tomas are as well. See you at TeaHouse soon!!!

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